me, sab, zeera n nurul went to Bukit Bendera and Batu Feringhi
it is a last minute 'project'
but tanoshikatta (enjoy!!) =)
fill in the moment together wif my friends before going back home
me (the pale girl) n zeera
me n my best friend =)
..thnx for everything..
..thnx for always being there for me thru a good time and a bad time..
lost lonely girl, nurul
hehe..just joking
she just give her best pose
sab, nurul and zeera
including me the untalented photographer
issyoni (together) we are 'climbing' bukit bendera
me..and 'tatoo'
henna tatoo! =)
i love butterfly!
zeera n her 'tatoo' decoration
me n zeera
when a butterfly meet a flower =)
me, zeera n dominique
my heart melt when dominique look at my henna tatoo and smile at me warming
neno neno neno
sab n me
me trying to make my eyes 'bigger'
but I'm glad having a sepet eyes ;)
nurul n sab
i bought a perfume at Batu feringhi nite bazaar... T_T
my flying money